Rights Assertion
Profit from our experience in the assertion of rights
Assertion of rights for your text: We are by your side.
Your articles keep on being reused on the Internet. Without your consent. This can happen - and it actually happens more and more frequently. However: There are means and ways to protect yourself and your rights. We will support you in doing so.
Sophisticated text recognition technology will find your articles even in the darkest corners of the Internet. We will analyse the environment, type, and scope of the misuse of your texts in light of copyright laws and current jurisdiction. And we will present you with violations of your copyright for which you - or we on your behalf - will be able to assert your claims.
Copyright also applies on the Internet
It is quite frustrating when you as a journalist or publishing house find out that your content is being distributed on third-party websites without your consent. Profit from our long-term experience in the assertion of rights.
Our partner support:
- Finding your text on the Internet
- Analysis of the rights violation
- Presentation of the misused articles
- Demand for compensation
Copyright - it’s your right: Assert your copyright, increase the legal awareness of website operators and turn them into customers.
Our legal experience at your disposal
You can decide whether and in what form you would like to assert your claims in case of violations of your copyright. If you wish, we will directly demand appropriate compensation for the used text and can also initiate legal steps.
Utilise our expertise in licencing questions and usage rights. We will gladly support you. Simply contact us by telephone or e-mail.